Chinese Evergreens, or Aglaonema, are very elegant and attractive houseplants that work well in homes, offices, bathrooms, living rooms, and more. One of the common types of these plants is the Aglaonema Maria, which is simple to take care of, but quite decorative to add some liveliness to your space.
This article covers:
- What Aglaonema Maria is and what it looks like
- How to care for it including the right amount of water, proper temperature, and type of soil
- Common problems and what to do about them
Let’s Begin!
Table of Contents
What is Aglaonema Maria?
Aglaonema plants are commonly called Chinese Evergreens and are unique plants with graded color schemes. They are generally easy to care for and are a great choice for those people who have never had a houseplant before.
The variations in color are one of the most sought after features of these types of plants. There are many varieties of Aglaonemas to keep in mind, but one of the best is the Aglaonema Maria.
Aglaonema Maria plants are tough and resilient and some of the easiest to take care of. This is because they adapt to their environment quite well.
Native to the tropical and subtropical regions of Asia means they do prefer warmth and humidity, but these things do not normally become a problem in normal living conditions or office spaces.
When compared to other Aglaonemas, Aglaonema Maria has wider leaves that are shorter. This makes it perfect for compact spaces like small offices, cubicles, offices, and bedrooms.
Plus, the darker green leaves of the Maria variety mean they can withstand darker conditions than some of the other Aglaonema species.
The leaves have a glossy texture and variations of dark green with portions of silvery witness that give it an attractive and fun appearance. They do not grow too rapidly either, so you won’t have to worry too much about repotting often.
Check out this fantastic video to learn more about the different Aglaonema species:
How to Care For Aglaonema Maria
Aglaonema Maria house plants prefer a certain type of environment and you should try to provide the right conditions for healthy growth, colorful textures, and healthy foliage. Let’s examine some of the most important factors for a healthy Aglaonema Maria like light, water, and soil.
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Aglaonema Maria plants are not too picky about light and can work in low, medium, and bright light. They will not survive long in places without any natural or artificial lighting, but will thrive in locations where other plants die because they are so tough and hardy when it comes to low lighting.
That being said, they really don’t like direct sunlight. It can damage the leaves and dry out the stem systems.
Because of this, we recommend placing the plants near a South East facing window, but they can work in most locations as long as there is some form of shade. Since it is a darker green variety, Aglaonema Marias can do well even with blinds.
Aglaonema Maria house plants want damp soil with enough moisture to make it all the way through without any places that are too wet. This is because they like tropical, humid environments.
During the Winter, you may not need to water often only every two weeks or so, especially if the plant is in a location with very little light.
You may have to water once or twice a week during the growing season and warmer months. If you. If you are watering too much, you may notice that the leaves begin to droop. It can also lead to root rot.
Try to let the top inch or 2 of the soil completely dry before watering. However, you never want the soil to dry out all the way through.
Temperature and Humidity
Warm environments are necessary for the most thriving Aglaonema Maria plants. Try to avoid cold rooms or fans that blow directly onto the plants.
For faster growth and healthier foliage, you want to aim for warmer temperatures above 64 degrees Fahrenheit (18 degrees Celsius). For most people, this is within normal living conditions anyways.
Aglaonema Maria plants love humid and moisture-filled places. While they won’t die immediately if it gets dry for a while, they still prefer humidity. If the air is too dry, then you can regularly spray some water onto the leaves or invest in a humidifier.
However, they are hardy plants and this is not usually required for healthy growth.
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Aglaonema Marias grow well in various types of soils and you can probably use something you already have on hand.
Any regular houseplant or garden mixture can work. However, for the best growth, choose peat-based potting soil that contains extra perlite. You can also blend in a dark-based orchid mixture.
In general, you want nitrogen rich, loose soil that resists compaction. Also, strive for slightly acidic soil between 5.6 and 6.5 pH.
Aglaonema Maria plants, like all Aglaonemas, grow quite slowly and remain compact throughout their lifespans, so you shouldn’t have to worry about repotting often. If you notice slow-growing or congestion, then you can repot the plant.
Fertilizer and General Maintenance
Aglaonema Maria plants enjoy feedings every 2 to 3 weeks during the growing season. You are fine using normal houseplant fertilizer. However, you don’t need to feed them in the Winter at all.
In addition, general maintenance is easy because of the slow growth, wide leaves, and lack of straggly overgrowth. Pruning is unnecessary with these plants and they are free to grow naturally without causing many issues. They are a perfect option for hands-off houseplant lovers!
Common Problems with Aglaonema Maria
There are some issues that you may encounter with Aglaonema Maria. When that happens, it is important that you know what to do to fix it. Let’s look at some of the problems like pests or discoloration that you may want to prepare for.
Yellow Leaves
If you notice the leaves start to turn yellow, don’t panic, it’s usually not a major problem. There could be a couple of different reasons causing the leaves of your Aglaonema Maria to turn yellow and they may turn yellow naturally once or twice a year without any underlying problem.
However, if it happens more than this, the likely culprit is either low temperatures or too much water.
If cold temperatures are the issue, then the problem should clear up once you warm up the environment where you keep your house plant. If overwatering is the cause, then you may need to repot the plant so that you can check for root rot as well.
Brown Leaves
If you notice brown leaves, particularly the tips of the leaves, then this is probably caused by low humidity. This is rare unless the plant is below a heating vent or in a very dry region. If this is the case, then you can spray the leaves regularly with water.
You can also keep the plant near other plants to increase the moisture in the air. Finally, if you still have brown tips you can buy a humidifier to place in the room.
Brown Spots
You may notice brown spots appearing around the leaves. This is often associated with sun damage and may coincide with dry crispiness instead of thriving glossy textures.
Direct sunlight can quickly cause this problem and if it suddenly appeared, then it may have to do with the location of the sun during the time of year. Just try to move your plant to ensure no direct sunlight.
Pests and Diseases
This hardy plant is easy to take care of, but there are some common pests and diseases that can invade its lovely environment. Spider mites, scale, insects, mealybugs, and aphids can all become a problem.
For most, neem oil is an easy solution. You can also wash off the leaves or use insecticide for severe infestations.
Fungal diseases, like Botrytis, are also a problem, especially in humid dark conditions where there is little or no ventilation. If this occurs then you will want to remove all the affected leaves and move the plant to a more ventilated location.
Wilting Leaves
If your leaves are wilting, then the most likely cause is excessive water. Some homeowners will believe that it’s caused by too little water and add to the problem. Instead, you need to make sure that you don’t flood the root systems.
Once you notice wilting, wait at least a week to water again and you can let the top portion of the soil dry out thoroughly. You can also try using a pot that has drainage filters, especially if this becomes a consistent problem.
Final Thoughts on Aglaonema Maria
These plants are happy and easy to take care of with dark green and silvery coloration that brightens up any room. As long as they have light without direct sunlight and enough water, they can grow healthily for years. However, they do prefer other conditions for the fastest, healthiest growth. Good luck with your plant!