How To Grow A Healthy Jade Satin Scindapsus

Jade Satin Scindapsus, also called the Jade Satin Pothos, is a wonderful plant with deep, dark coloration and lovely growth. They are wonderful for climbing or hanging, but you have to know what they require for healthy growth and luscious foliage, which is what we are going to provide.

This article covers:

  • What Jad Satin Scindapsus is and what it looks like
  • How to care for it including water, light, pruning, and how to make it climb
  • Common problems and what you can do to address them

Let’s get started!

What is Jade Satin Scindapsus?

jade satin scindapsus close up

Well, it’s kind of confusing because Jade Satin Scindapsus is sometimes called Jade Satin Pothos even though it isn’t a pothos. It is in the same family as the Scindapsus pictus and has large, gorgeous leaves that do not have any variegation.

This provides the deep green color that is so attractive, without silver markings. There may be some subtlety, wonderful veining, and a sheen of glossiness. 

The Jade Satin Scindapsus plant is grown as a climber or hanger, so you can make it climb a post or grow it in a hanging pot for the best results. They can take a little while to root and grow slowly, but are certainly wonderful and lovely to look at once they do.

Since they are native to Southeast Asia, the Philippines, and Bangladesh, they prefer warm and humid conditions. 

To see a comparison of Jade Satin with other Scindapsus varieties, watch this informative video:

How to Care for Jade Satin Scindapsus

You need to have the right conditions to keep your Jade Satin Scindapsus happy and healthy. Things like light, humidity, and water are all very important. In addition, you need to know how to maintain growth for healthiness by pruning. Let’s look at each of these important and critical factors. 

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Jade Satin Scindapsus is native to tropical regions and prefers medium to high lighting conditions. Typically, this means you should try to give it at least 6 hours of indirect light per day.

Direct light is not good for the plant, though, and too much sunlight will ruin the dark coloration that you definitely want from your Jade Satin Scindapsus. 

We recommend placing it two or three feet away from a Southeast-facing window for indirect lighting that the plant craves.

However, if that is not possible, you can place it a little farther away from sun-facing windows as well, especially if there is some shade outside. For outdoor growth, you must have lots of shade. 


woman watering houseplant near the window

Typically, for thriving Jade Satin Scindapsus plants,  you want to use about one cup of water every week. During the growing season, you may need slightly more, but during the Winter, you may need half this much or less depending on the size of your particular plant.

Each time you water, make sure that the top third of the soil is completely dry. If it is moist, you should wait a little longer before watering

Too much water is worse than too little. If you have too much water, it can cause wilting, discoloration, root rot, and decay. Too little water can cause issues, but it is more likely to recover quickly within a day or two. 

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Temperature and Humidity 

Jade Satin Scindapsus plants like warmth and humidity, so you want to keep those conditions optimal for healthy and fast growth. Usually, you want to aim for somewhere between 60 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit throughout the year.

This means it’s perfect for USDA Zones 10 to 12 for outdoor growth. The most important thing is to avoid freezing temperatures or even temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit for any prolonged period.  

For humidity, you want to aim between 40 and 50 percent. For hot dry Summers or heater use during the Winter, you may have to keep it near other plants to keep the air moist. You can also buy a humidifier that can also be good for you!

A lot of people opt to place their Jade Satin Scindapsus in the bathroom for heavier humidity levels. However, unlike other plants,  you should avoid spraying Jade Satin Scindapsus with water to add to the humidity because too much touch can crinkle the leaves or change the texture. 


replanting in a brown pot perfect with soil

Always avoid soils that retain too much moisture because they can contribute to root rot and a high likelihood of fungal infection and pest infestation. It’s best to use well-draining soil with a pH of 6.1 to 6.5 for Jade Satin Scindapsus.

Peat moss, pine bark, and perlite are great to mix for healthy thriving growth for this plant type. 

The plant is pretty low maintenance and does not need fertilizer in most cases. However, it can help with rapid growth to use a small amount of balanced liquid fertilizer with a 2-1-1 ratio.

Try to use it once a month during the warm seasons. Overfertilization can cause wilted, yellowed, or brown roots and leaves. 

General Maintenance 

Jade Satin Scindapsus can grow well in a hanging basket or you can train it to climb up poles, arches, fences, and a trellis. They can grow quite long so some pruning is usually necessary.

They don’t climb without encouragement so you will want to guide the tendrils along a support system to promote growth in the right direction. To support heavy growth, you can use picture-hanging hooks, string, or gardening tape.

Pruning is necessary once the growth reaches about 4 feet. Use your fingers to pinch the tips of the long-growing vines and trim the stems with a sharp knife. Make sure to cut just beyond the leaf node. Do this occasionally to stimulate better growth and denser foliage. 

Common Problems with Jade Satin Scindapsus

While it is not very difficult to properly care for Jade Satin Scindapsus plants, there are some problems that you may come across when growing the plant. Things like pests, diseases, and changes in growth are something to keep an eye out for. 


little gnat on leaf

Pests aren’t especially common with this variety of plants. The ones that do sometimes infect the plant are spider mites, gnats, and scale. They like to eat the sap of the Jade Satin Scindapsus plant.

When they infest the plant, it can cause discoloration, or wilting. You may also notice a white web-like material on the leaves with spider mites.

To get rid of these pests, you can carefully wash the leaves with soap and water or use a cotton ball soaked with rubbing alcohol to wipe the leaves. Just be careful because touching the plant leaves too much can cause them to crinkle.

In more severe cases, neem oil works well or you can choose insecticidal soaps as well. You may find it best to remove the portions of the plant with the most serious infestations. 


The most common disease that may develop in Jade Satin Scindapsus is root rot, which is caused by too much moisture or excessive watering. It can cause a ton of issues from decay to wilting and changing color. 

To address these issues,  you will have to repot the plant and clean the root system. Then, remove all the decaying or brown, mushy roots with scissors. Make sure to use fresh soil and repot the plant immediately.

You can also dip the healthy roots into a fungicide solution to ensure that all the root rot is eliminated. 

Yellow Leaves 

Yellow leaves are usually caused by too much water. Jade Satin Scindapsus loves water, but when there is too much the leaves will become yellow and unhealthy in appearance. Make sure that the top 30 percent of the soil is completely dry before watering it every time. 

Too little water is usually better than too much water for Jade Satin Scindapsus and it will be more likely to quickly revolver from dry conditions than in overly moist environments. 

jade satin scindapsus mini trivia info

Curled Leaves

If the leaves of your Jade Satin Scindapsus begin to curl or become discolored or brown, then it is getting too much light. Remember, the plant does not need direct light because too much sun exposure can burn the leaves and cause harm to the health of the plant. 

If this happens, then you need to provide more shade or move it a little farther away from the window. If you are growing it outside, then it is best to move it underneath more shade than it is currently getting. 

Wilted Leaves

Wilted leaves can have a number of causes, including too much water. However, for excessive watering and what to do about it, look at the “Yellow Leaves” section.

If you have wilted without excessive watering, especially if there are brown roots or other portions of the plant that are darker in color, then it may be caused by too much fertilizer. If this is the case, then go without fertilizer for a while and then slowly reintroduce the feedings with extra dilution. 

Final Thoughts on Jade Satin Scindapsus

Jade Satin Scindapsus is a great plant with a lovely green coloration. It thrives well with indirect light, warmth, and humidity. You also need to make sure to avoid overwatering, because that is one of the main causes of issues with this plant variety. I’m sure you will love the plant and have fun growing it up posts or in a hanging basket!

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